Stay tuned for photo highlights from our Oktoberfest weekend!
In the meantime, check out our social media to see photos and videos of our events!
Top 10 Reasons To Come To Our OKTOBERFEST
#10: History
Oktoberfest has a rich history. but first, why are we celebrating in September? In short, party animals can party longer if festivities start in September, and the weather's more predictable, but here's the longer version, straight from www.oktoberfest.de:
"The historical background: the first Oktoberfest was held in the year 1810 in honor of the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig's marriage to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The festivities began on October 12, 1810 and ended on October 17th with a horse race. In the following years, the celebrations were repeated and, later, the festival was prolonged and moved forward into September. By moving the festivities up, it allowed for better weather conditions. Because the September nights were warmer, the visitors were able to enjoy the gardens outside the tents and the stroll over "die Wiesen" or the fields much longer without feeling chilly. Historically, the last Oktoberfest weekend was in October and this tradition continues into present times."
So, now you know who King Ludwig is! The first Oktoberfest was his wedding celebration, and that celebration has lasted more than 200 years! You'll see King Ludwig at our Beaumont Oktoberfest - he has all the information, so if you're looking for something, ask King Ludwig! If you want to sign up for the log-sawing or stein-holding, go ask King Ludwig! (Or visit the BCVRPD booth - OR preregister with the buttons provided above.)
Now what about that Burgermeister? First of all, he has nothing to do with cheeseburgers, although he's probably a fan. 'Master of the citizens' is how you'd translate it, so think of him being similar to a mayor - basically he's there for the people. You'll see him at the Beaumont Oktoberfest conversing with the locals, watching the competitions and giving out awards. If you have a question, ask the Burgermeister! He knows what's up! (Or visit the BCVRPD booth.)
Why is Oktoberfest such a big deal here in the U.S.A.? Did you know - "with an estimated size of approximately 46 million in 2014, German Americans are the largest of the ancestry groups reported by the US Census Bureau in its American Community Survey. The group accounts for about one third of the total ethnic German population in the world." There's quite a population of Germans in the Beaumont and Cherry Valley areas, too!

#9: Weiner Dog Races
Fun for the whole family, our annual Wiener Dog Races are a big hit! Sign up your racing Wiener Dog by visiting the Beaumont-Cherry Valley Recreation and Park District (BCVRPD) booth during the Oktoberfest or preregistering with the buttons above).

#8: Dancing
Even if you don't dance yourself, there will be plenty of dancers to watch! There will be so much great music, you won't be able to help yourself - you'll be on that dance floor for sure! Just think of how easy it is to do the Chicken Dance - everyone looks like a professional!! If you don't know the four simple steps, follow along with the Burgermeister, he seems to know what's up.

#7: Royal Games
There's just one time each year that you'll be rewarded for holding a beer far from your mouth, or sawing through a log with crowds around you cheering. You've trained your whole life for this. Keep pumping the iron and building those muscles, because you'll need them for the Royal Games!
This year's Royal Games include Log Sawing, Stein Holding, Stein Carrying, Strudel Eating (for kids) and Pretzel Whistling (for kids). Check the schedule posted above for times, and sign up at the BCVRPD booth OR PREREGISTER using the link buttons above. They're fun to watch, and they're more fun to participate in.
According to the US Steinholding Association (yes, there is such a thing), in a traditional Bavarian stein holding contest, competitors hold a full one-liter beer stein (which should weigh about 5 pounds or more!) out in front of their bodies, with a straight arm, parallel to the ground for as long as they can. They say typical men should be able to hold the stein for 3-5 minutes, but the U.S. record was set last year at more than 19 minutes at a New York City Oktoberfest event.

#6: Vendor Booths
There will come a point when you'll need a break from dancing, and you'll feel the need to slowly walk off your strudel, bratwurst and beer. That's the perfect time to walk among the booths of vendors with their various wares. We'll dozens of booths selling clothing, toys, jewelry, handmade items, custom items, pet accessories, trinkets, crafts, decor, candles, toys, gifts and more. We'll have a face painting booth, which offers more than just face painting, and is great for all ages! Local businesses will be represented, adding to the atmosphere of the Oktoberfest. Start thinking now of gifts you might want to purchase for the upcoming holidays. Too soon? I mean, come on, it's only September! You're just starting to decorate for fall (which will be much easier after you take a look at some of the Halloween and fall decor at one of our vendor booths!)

#5: Family Fun
Kids - these little folks make up one of the most entertaining parts of the Oktoberfest. Watch them experience sugar highs and lows, witness their dance moves (you gotta hand it to them, some of the little ones aren't self-conscious at all, and that makes for some great people-watching on the dance floor!), see them compete in pretzel-eating and strudel-eating contests and much more! The happier they are, the more time you have to enjoy YOUR favorite parts of the Oktoberfest! So we've got you covered. We will have a kid zone complete with carnival type games and AP rentals will be present, as usual, with fun inflatables. Lisa Juarez Face Painting will be present to magically transform your child's face into whatever they desire, vendors will be selling all kinds of things your kids will be begging you for, and the Burgermeister loves to chat with them and get them involved! Our young Oktoberfesters also make up the greatest audiences for the Wiener Dog Races happening Sunday, September 23 at 1:30 p.m.! Don't let your kids miss seeing that cute event!
We hope your family makes some great memories at this year's Oktoberfest, and if you're going to post on social media, be sure to hashtag your best photos with #bcvoktoberfest2018 for us to see them and possibly include them in our highlight album after the weekend festivities are over!

#4: Food, Food, Food
Food fit for a King - and King Ludwig approves! We'll have quite an assortment of menus for you to choose from at this year's Oktoberfest! We've got you covered! Guten appetit! (That means enjoy your meal!)
Here's a list of what you'll find at this year's Oktoberfest:
Gazzolo's Sausages
Huera's Tacos
Kettle Corn Kings
3 Kings Kebab
Ramona's Express
Nava Sausage Company,
Tami's Tasty Treats (fudge and brittle)
Grandpa's Ice Cream Shoppe

#3: Community
Yup, our pick for reason #3 is YOU - the communities of Beaumont and Cherry Valley and our surrounding neighbors. Let's face it, you're probably not going to make it to the Official Oktoberfest held in Germany, this year, right? This is our 29th Annual King Ludwig's Oktoberfest - it's TRADITION here in the pass area - and we want to make it as authentic as possible! You'll surely walk around the Beaumont Oktoberfest bumping into neighbors and friends, not even realizing just how many local buddies you have! We're certain you'll make some new friends, too! With many sing-along songs about beer and friendship, you'll find yourself automatically singing along, you can't help it, and waving your stein from side to side, toasting with total strangers. Once that happens, those strangers are magically transformed into your 'Fest Friends. You'll probably be caught dancing to the polka or chicken dance with them shortly after, and suddenly your crowd just got bigger! After the Oktoberfest, when you see them around town, be sure to raise an imaginary stein in the air to toast them, and remind them to come to Oktoberfest again next year! Once you attend one Oktoberfest in Beaumont, you won't want to miss the next, for years to come!
Community is what makes our Oktoberfest fun. When people arrive in their festive attire, whether it's a full, fancy dirndl (the traditional dress women wear), ever-stylish lederhosen (the mens short leather pants with suspender-like straps), or a Tyrolean hat (the green or grey hat with the ropes and feather, which screams "Oktoberfest, baby!") they raise the fun meter and become magnets on the dance floor. There are smiles for miles at the Oktoberfest, and you'll catch the festive feels wherever you look! Oktoberfest is just known for how upbeat and happy a time the attendees have together. Why would you want to miss that?

#2: Beer
It's no coincidence that beer rhymes with cheer. There's really nothing else to say about this one! We are sponsored by Anheuser Busch and we will carry Bud Light, Spaten Oktoberfest, Shock Top, Elysian Night Owl Pumpkin Ale, Golden Road Get Up Offa That Brown, and Spaten Premium Lager by the kegs. We'll also have on hand Bud Light Lime-A-Rita, Straw-Ber-Rita and Peach-A-Rita cans!
This year we'll feature a few new steins for sale while supplies last! Check out this year's stein assortment below!
"Cheers" in German is "Prost" or "Ein Prosit." Say either of those with a full stein for maximum Oktoberfest effect.

#1: Live Music
What would an Oktoberfest be without MUSIC? Imagine that - it would be dreadful. What a horrible thought. Stop imagining it right now, that's just depressing!
We are fortunate to have three live bands this year at Oktoberfest - The Bluebirds, The American Bavarian Band and the Dave Miron Band, pictured below in that order. Check the schedule posted above to see when each will be playing. If you've heard them before, they're probably a top reason you're coming back. If you haven't heard them before, get ready to have three new favorite bands!
It's a proven fact that dancing is much easier with music, food and beer taste better with music, you make friends quicker with music, and everyone looks happier and more attractive when there is music playing! All facts. There's nothing like traditional polka playing at an Oktoberfest, as well as the beautiful waltzes, the silly sing along songs and the simple, cheery and catchy songs written about beer! You do not want to miss these talented bands - they're specifically chosen and requested to engineer the best possible Oktoberfest experience for everyone, and they've done it for years!